Other Services

Mosquito Jim LLC is fully licensed to perform human health related pest control in Kansas. Discounted services available include:

Mosquito treatment - base rate $50 residential every 3 weeks.

Perimeter foundation spraying - base rate $50 residential.

Other Services:

Organic mosquito/tick control - Essential oils specially blended in Kansas City by Rockwell Labs to target these pests. $80/month

Commercial pest control - Anything they can do, we can do better! E-mail us your contract or service receipts and let's discuss.

Emergency/special event mosquito treatments - Having a big outdoor event and don't want everyone to cover themselves in greasy repellents?  Have Jim take care of the bugs in advance!

Consultations and inspections - Jim is a licensed attorney & certified mediator and can help with questions or disputes involving the intersection of pesticides and the law. Rates will vary depending on complexity.

Sanitation practices - These are essential to pest control and healthy communities. Is your lawn overgrown and no lawn company will take your call? We will "rescue the fescue" for homeowners, municipalities, or HOAs.