Are your products safe for my family and the environment? Yes, Jim uses them on his own yard where his children and dog play. The standard products are not “organic” but they are non-persistent, meaning they break down with time. Once the spray dries, it forms a residue and you may resume foot traffic within 30-60 minutes. The manufacturers do not require PPE for the applicator misting outdoors, but Jim opts to wear it. Since the customer is never exposed to the wet mist that Jim is, the risk factor to customers is even less an issue. These are a diluted form of lowest tier of labeled insecticide.

Do your products target other insects? Yes, dozens of them. Spraying the home perimeter acts as a barrier around your house to prevent infestations of ants, termites, and many more. Because this is a fine mist designed to adhere to foliage, it is not a full substitute for crack & crevice/traditional foundation spraying.

Why are your prices so low? Jim formed this business because he was unsatisfied with the available services. He sought to "disrupt the industry" and pass the savings on to his neighbors.  We keep overhead low to keep rates low. The closer you are to Jim, the less you will pay. We want you in on the deal!

Which frequency of service is the best? This depends on the nature of your property (amount of shade & foliage) and how often you are outdoors. Every 2 weeks if you're a fanatic about bugs, or 3 weeks is standard.

What do you need me to do? Stay inside and keep your pets inside during the application and for 30-60 minutes after. Note that Jim cannot spray during high winds or shortly before rain, so we appreciate your flexibility. Applications will be on neighborhood routes, and your exact spray time may be approximate. We do our best to keep you informed. When you are notified of a service time, you are expected to keep your animals inside by that time unless you warn us in advance. 

When is mosquito season? Generally, service begins in late April or early May and runs through September. The core months are May, June, July, August, and often September. We will communicate with you about when to suspend service, and will tell you what Jim is doing for his house.

Will I never see a mosquito again? The industry standard is to kill 80% to 90% of mosquitos. This reduces swarming and dramatically improves the outdoor user experience on your property. We expect to surpass 95% with 3-week customers who follow the water abatement recommendations. For those on the 2-week plan, you will be well covered, but the odd visitor may come from your neighbor’s property. So in short, expect big changes, but not perfection. A 2-week plan is available for those who want the most strenuous control available.